Where: In my bedroom.
Now Playing: "My Girls" by Animal Collective.


Just shocked. I was just greatly shocked on what happened. You see, when you often heard the news that Japan was hit by an earthquake, you always said to yourself that it's no big deal because they are prepared, construction-wise, and well-organized in terms of what to do and what not to do. They are a developed country and used their garnered status to implement these kinds of preparation because they know that their country is an earthquake-prone one. Like the Philippines, Japan is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and we belong in the so-called Ring of Fire where most active volcanoes found and with different plates.

Saturday afternoon, I was listening to the radio, in FM, while I was listening to some great modern alternative music, they announced that Japan was hit by an earthquake... again. Why again? Because they just hit by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake last March 9, two days after that great 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the powerful tsunami along. When I heard the news, I said to myself, "It's nothing", "Wala lang yan", "Pretty normal to them", pero when I saw on TV lately, I said to myself again, "Oh. My. God." I just remembered that my cousin is in Japan right now and I wonder how she's doing right now. I just merely wonder and yeah, even everything famous in Japan you know was questioned for the likes of Maria Ozawa, the Pokémon animation team and other famous persons I know in Japan.
The rice field turned into a debris field, a pile of junk, a wave full of cars, roofs, houses, everything washed away in Sendai in Miyagi prefecture. Many lives lost and a long term of recovery ahead of them unless if every country pledge some assistance to them. If you notice the family picture below, you will be touched after seeing this picture on the aftermath. It's like where are these two Japanese after the quake and tsunami? Reminds me when I watched Anderson Cooper 360 yesterday and he saw a wedding picture. You read or know that kind of feeling? Pure grief. Where are there two or the others? Just take a look.

Added to that is the continuing blast in four of the nuclear power plants near the Miyagi prefecture. It is very dangerous to get near the nuclear power plants, it'll cause more casualties. That's why the world is asking again, should we put nuclear power plants in your respective countries? There are other ways to get power in my opinion, we should not rely on the nuclear power plants.Just pure chaos right now in Japan.

I am just so shocked and I didn't expect this to happen, actually everyone of us didn't expect this to occur at all. Majority of us can only do to help Japan recover is to send their prayers to the victims, and to the entire nation of Japan. We a catholic country after all. So, my sympathy and prayers to island nation of Japan.
Time: 8:22 p.m.
Where: Still in my bedroom.
Now Playing: "Paris is Burning" by Ladyhawke.