Where: In my bedroom.
Now Playing: "It's Working" by MGMT.


Mathematically, no but, when it comes in time and space, it is sort of computable. Making this a figure of speech for nothing. Pretty self-explanatory on that said made-up formula, making myself horrendous. Anyway, today is my 18th birthday and I must admit, I am NOT that mature when it comes to responsibilities inside and outside our household but I am getting there to be a responsible guy at all task and I am trying to be a social companion and socially healthy as well. You see, I am a type of person who is an anti-socialite, it's not that I am "the loner", it's such that, I don't feel to talk to people because we lack of similarities that's all and I want to change that, I wanted my friends to see that I am trying to know them and not the loser kid of yesterday (during high school days where I used to get yanked and bullied by other people bigger than me and screwed me up). I was totally a high-tempered person at that time because they used to tease me things that they see in me physically, which is a horrendous things to do. I wanted to change that as well, the old hot-headed Ralph, will be the patient and more confident Ralph of tomorrow, Hopefully.

Did some wishes for myself, my friends and my loved ones. Now to my extraordinary wishes (Sana matupad balang araw before I die, I am still compiling this every year I celebrate my day).
- Sana I obtain a Manchester United Home Kit.
- I wish I have a PS3 or XBOX 360 right now falling from the sky.
- Hopefully to meet every single "ultimate crushes" I had (Celebrity ones, not from my high school days, I will not enumerate them all, ang dami but I would like to mention this girl).
-And lastly, an operation to be cured on my Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
I guess that is all for now, my day is like any other day this year, like last year's, where I used to be a busy boy in all task in Mapua during that day with my Diagnostic test, I still remember that day. Well, I just wish again, to have more birthdays to come to experience life even more. Now, if you excuse me, I have some Oasis songs to enjoy. Good day to all and thanks for the greetings, Appreciated it.
Time: 1:49 p.m.
Where: Still in my bedroom.
Now Playing: "Dance in the Dark" by Lady Gaga. (seriously, I like this song even though it's from Gaga and the only song I like from her, It's like Pet Shop Boys sound and Madonna way of singing in one).