Where: Outside the house.
Now Playing: "Little Bit" by Lykke Li.

So, it's Valentine's Day today and yeah this week is much of my exciting week for me and I don't know if this week will be as exciting as the weeks coming, especially the birthday week for the common types. So, this recent week I am describing is the rise of Philippine football as I watch the Azkals in action. Grabe, all Filipinos have that football fever and as an avid fan of the sport which I witnessed games from my favorite club, Manchester United, the 2010 World Cup and more, I am proud that we, the football crazies of the Philippines, will not hide from basketball crazies which are the dominator in the sports fan nation.

We always see jerseys of Kobe Bryant, LeBron James and the never-ending jerseys from SK competitions. I love basketball, actually, it's one of my first sports to love but suddenly, I found football and the fans are nuts for goals and I found it entertaining. I see that basketball fans don't like football because it's 90 minutes of waiting for goals compared to basketball, they score easily and fast-paced. Pinoys like pacing games, like boxing and basketball and when they watched the Azkals, in sari-sari stores, in tricycle stations or terminals, where a normal basketball fan is found here, probably, they see the beauty of football and I see the sport growing and yeah, probably some group of children playing the sport where the mini basketball courts used to be. I am proud that I love football and I am all football. That's why I am wearing my jersey every Sunday to go to the Church and eventually to the mall and people chatting about my jersey like they say, "Hey, that's the latest sponsor of Manchester United, AON." Not out loud but murmuring and I was like, yeah, I saw some football fans around and I am proud about it. Even Koreans noticed it for they are hardcore football fans themselves. Come on, Park Ji-Sung is one of the fullbacks of MANU and is a Korean himself.

I see Neil Etheridge as one of the force in Pinoy football for he is with Fulham, one of the elite clubs in the English Premier League now. For basketball fans, it's like the most watched football league, like your NBA. I see football a growing sport and thanks to the Azkals win over Viet Nam in the AFF Suzuki Cup last December, the fan bases are continue to grow until we make it to the World Cup (hopefully).
First "A" is the word "Azkals" and the second "A" this week is "Arcade Fire". I am a huge fan of Arcade Fire. Why? Because their music is totally unique. I easily understand the meaning each of the tree albums they have as of now (Funeral, Neon Bible, and The Suburbs) although the songs are way deep and compared to mainstream music of today, it's easy to understand because the message is direct and I don't like that. I mean, they sing "love me", "you're the one", "I'll not choose, only you", I mean that's the common words I hear in most R n'B songs.

For "Funeral", the album means of a tragedy in the building between the neighborhood. As for "Neon Bible", it expresses the anger to adults. They face strict people and want liberation and as for their latest album "The Suburbs", I feel that this album is their best because of its unique concept, they feature the suburban teenagers of America today, involving them is drugs, early teenage pregnancy, and fraternity wars. Anyway, "The Suburbs" received hichly-acclaimed reviews from different music organization including Pitchfork Media and Billboard which they put the album as the Top 2 Album of the Year 2010. Because of these achievements, "The Suburbs" is one of the nominees for "Album of the Year" and Arcade Fire will face the mainstream stars Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Eminem, and Lady Antebellum. They are huge underdogs, I meant of Arcade Fire but I am confident that they will bag the gold.
Go Azkals and Arcade Fire.
Time: 1:15 a.m.
Where: Still in the terrace.
Now Playing: "The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire.

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