It was an awful New Year to all Haitians and the whole wide world was making pledges and they were helping those poor Haitians who are trapped, desperate for food, water, shelter, clothing, health assistances, et cetera.
I had the worst breakfast ever when that day passed by because of that earthquake. I watched CNN, BBC and local television stations in my country just to know the up-todate happenings in Haiti. It was getting worse and worse as days comes by as death toll rose.
Now, I went to the local mall yesterday with my sister and my mother, without my father due to his lame actions, texting on her textmate buddies or her chicks on text to be infact. We had a great time together but while we were doing that, there are people screaming and calling for help in downtown Santiago in Chile, in South America. An 8.8-magnitude earthquake strucked Chile yesterday at 3:34 a.m., their local time, I estimate that's (GMT -9). So, it's 16 hours late in our time. Actually, the epicenter is in Maule, it is near the capital Santiago. Oh men, there were 78 people killed when I watched it yesterday, now it rises to 250+ and I wonder how many dead bodies will belong to that list in the coming days? Unlike the earthquake in Haiti, their buildings are stronger and they have more GDP than Haiti so, Chile can assist their countrymen even without international aid.
If you can see these images right here, you will see the devastation and drought by the power of natural calamity. It's like a calling why we aren't taking care of the environment. It's also a calling that we are near to obtain "Global Cataclysm".

And just today, the Hawaii Meteorology Station declared a massive tsunami warning to the nations who are part of the "Ring of Fire", which are the west coast of North and South America, Japan, east coast of Russia, Taiwan, east coast of China, Indonesia, east coast of Australia, Indochina and yes, even, my country, the Philippines. Japan will mostly affect the tsunami alert and I saw it on CNN earlier where all of the red spots are on Japan and Russia, we only obtain the orange spots which is the Level two warning.
The outcome was so good to hear. Gladly, Japan had a small tsunami, and so as Russia, and the Philippines is also safe from the tsunami. We are prepared.
Natural calamities way back from last decade is still contusing up to this year and it might be a possible that we might end at the year 2012 where the "Global Cataclysm" might occur. Hope this will NOT happen.
"No matter what happens, we have the most powerful thing that a human being can do, prayers."
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